Thursday, April 9, 2009

Training Day

So last week I tackled the job of toilet training Cruz. Another great way to celebrate his 2nd birthday, I guess. I should really say that the job was tackled by my mom and I . I could not have done it without her. When I trained Aidan, I used a method called 3 day potty training. It worked really well so I decided to give it a shot with Cruz. He didn't grasp it quite as quickly as Aidan, but it worked! By day 3, he knew to tell me when he had to go, and he wouldn't go in his underwear. And that includes night time! I am telling all you moms out there, you have to try it! It takes some real determination, but in the long run, it's so much better. Just commit 3 full days and nights, NO CRUTCHES, ie: pullups, and you will be done with diapers! I am so excited about how much money we are going to be saving! Oh yeah, and not having to change the diapers is an added bonus! Here's the site:
The only thing have to do EXACTLY what she says to do. It can be hard. But who ever said potty training was easy? Ok, so I don't want to hear all your stories about your GIRLS who potty trained themselves. It is just depressing!! :)

1 comment:

Heather Fretz said...

Yea for Cruz! I'm so glad it worked for you!
And by the way, I'm happy to see your praying for Stellan button. Did you know about her before you saw her on my blog? Isn't she awesome?