Saturday, December 20, 2008

We made it!

After several hours of travel time, we made it to the big island of Hawaii! When we got on the plane, both the boys were glued to the window. They just sat and watched all the stuff going on at the airport. It was really cute to see them discover stuff they had never seen before. When we were getting ready to take off, I explained to Aidan what was going to happen, hoping to calm any fears. He thought it was so great. After just a minute or two, he turned away from the window and said : "Mommy, this is so fun!" I guess I had nothing to worry about. Cruz had a perplexed look on his face, but it left after some reasurrance from daddy. They got bored pretty quickly, so we took out the DVD player, and the battery was dead! Even so, they did great. It wasn't until we were landing that they were done and wanting out of their carseats. Everyone around us kept telling us what great kids we have and how well behaved they were. Music to my ears!

1 comment:

Paul and Julie said...

That is so awesome Amanda! So glad for you! That is the best when on an airplane people tell you you have great kids...!